The most distinctive feature of the Sushi style is its pop-up roof. The roof is normally closed (left photo), but can be expanded (center photo) when a large space is needed, such as when relaxing at a campsite or working on the cargo bed. The roof can also be expanded on one side (right photo) for a view from the cargo area, or when the sushi style is used as a kitchen car or for mobile sales, for convenient delivery of money and goods to customers. It can be easily transformed into three different configurations.
Easy installation with dedicated hardware. Mounting and dismounting can be easily done by one person by attaching a frame with special adjusters to the four points on the shell body. When transporting long or tall loads, the truck can be returned to its original light truck configuration.
2.Expansive space
The pop-up mechanism not only expands the space in the upper direction, but also extends the shell by 10% in each of the left and right directions from the cargo bed. When you see the shell, you will realize that the space is more than the numerical value of approximately 1,400㎜→1,700㎜.
3.lightweight! Sturdy construction
The weight is kept below 110 kg and does not feel heavy when driving.
The frame is welded construction and the panel is aluminum composite plate. High durability is achieved for long-term use.
4.Stylish design and functionality
Stylish design with reduced overall height of the shell (in normal operation) reduces wind resistance.
When parked, the roof can be expanded to create a vast space that can be used for a variety of purposes, including camping, work space, mobile sales, and kitchen cars.
Left side (passenger side) and rear windows are standard equipment that contribute to side and rear visibility.
A side-opening door (driver’s side) is provided as standard equipment for convenient loading and unloading of luggage.
The roof is equipped as standard with windows for lighting during deployment, providing light during the day without the need for lighting.
5.Zero cost (based on tax and legal system in Japan)
The main body of the bantra is treated as a load, so it can be driven as a 4 license plate.
No modifications to the cargo bed or light truck are required.
There is no extra cost at all.
6.One-off production (extra charge) is available.
Painting of light truck body
Solar panel installation
Window air conditioner installation
Screen door
Interior wrapping
Table and bench (and bed)
Perforated board etc.
”Iyadomo Gate” for Hijet Jumbo
By installing the “Iyadomo Gate”, the Sushi Style can be installed on a Hijzet Jumbo.
The Sushi Style is a 197 cm long shell, and one unit can be used for both the Hijet Jumbo and standard type light trucks.
With the Sushi Style + Iyadomo Gate installed, the length of the cargo bed of the Hijet Jumbo is approximately 200 cm and the length of the cargo floor is approximately 230 cm, which is longer than the standard model, allowing for more effective use of the cargo bed.
Standard type light trucks equipped with Sushi Style + Iyadomo Gate can use approximately 30 cm from the rear end of the Sushi Style as outside storage space.
*Click here for the price list (prices are being revised as of 2022.12)