English 日本語
Let's enjoy mini truck life!
Workcation Style Ibaraki LLC

Rental Car Terms and Conditions

Chapter 1: General Provisions

Article 1 (Application of Terms and Conditions)

1. The Lessor (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) shall rent the rental vehicle (hereinafter referred to as “the Rental Car”) to the Lessee in accordance with these Rental Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as “Terms”), and the Lessee shall rent the Rental Car from the Company. Matters not stipulated in the Terms shall be governed by laws or general customs.

2. The Company may respond to special agreements within the scope that does not violate the intent of the Terms, laws, administrative notifications, and general customs. In such cases, the special agreement shall take precedence over the Terms.

Chapter 2: Reservations

Article 2 (Reservation Application)

1. The Lessee may apply for a reservation by indicating in advance the vehicle class, purpose of use, rental start date and time, rental location, rental period, return location, driver, necessity of child seats, and other rental conditions (hereinafter referred to as “Rental Conditions”), and agreeing to the Terms and the Company’s prescribed fee schedule, through the method specified by the Company via telephone, email, or other means.

2. The Company shall accept reservations within the range of Rental Cars available. In this case, the Lessee shall pay the reservation deposit equivalent to the scheduled rental fee.

3. If the Company is unable to provide a vehicle that meets the Lessee’s Rental Conditions, the Company may offer an alternative vehicle (hereinafter referred to as “Alternative Rental Car”) from the available vehicles. However, if no suitable Alternative Rental Car is available, or if the Company deems it inappropriate to rent an Alternative Rental Car, the Company may cancel the reservation without offering an Alternative Rental Car.

4. If the Lessee agrees to the offer in the preceding paragraph, the Company shall rent the Alternative Rental Car under the same Rental Conditions as the original reservation, except for the vehicle class. The Lessee shall agree to the equipment, specifications, seating capacity, etc., of the Alternative Rental Car and pay the lower of the rental fees for the Alternative Rental Car or the originally reserved Rental Car.

5. If the Company does not provide an Alternative Rental Car or if the Lessee does not agree to the offer in paragraph 3, the reservation shall be considered canceled.

6. The Company does not guarantee the rental of the reserved vehicle. If the Company is unable to rent the reserved vehicle due to natural disasters, accidents, theft, vehicle malfunctions, equipment defects, delays in returns by other customers, or other reasons, and the Company is unable to provide an Alternative Rental Car, or if the Lessee does not accept the offered Alternative Rental Car, the reservation shall be considered canceled. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the Lessee due to this.

Article 3 (Change of Reservation)

The Lessee must obtain the Company’s prior consent to change the Rental Conditions specified in paragraph 1 of the previous article before concluding the rental agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Rental Agreement”).

Article 4 (Cancellation of Reservation, etc.)

1. The Lessee may cancel the reservation by the method prescribed by the Company.

2. If the Lessee does not commence the rental procedures within one hour after the reserved rental start time, the reservation shall be considered canceled unless the Company specifically acknowledges otherwise.

3. In the cases mentioned in the previous two paragraphs, the Lessee shall immediately pay the cancellation fee prescribed by the Company (hereinafter referred to as “Cancellation Fee”), and the Company shall refund the reservation deposit upon receipt of the Cancellation Fee.

4. If the Company cancels the reservation or does not conclude the Rental Agreement due to the Company’s circumstances, the Company shall refund the received reservation deposit.

5. If the rental becomes impossible due to accidents, theft, non-return, recalls, natural disasters, or other reasons not attributable to the Company, the reservation shall be considered canceled, and the Company shall refund the received reservation deposit.

Article 5 (Exemption from Liability)

Except as specified in paragraphs 3 and 4 of the previous article, the Company and the Lessee shall not make any claims against each other for the cancellation of the reservation or the non-conclusion of the Rental Agreement.

Article 6 (Agency for Reservation)

1. The Lessee may apply for reservations through travel agencies or partner companies (hereinafter referred to as “Agents”) that handle reservations on behalf of the Company.

2. Lessees who applied through Agents may only request changes or cancellations of reservations through the respective Agents, and changes to reservations must be approved by the Company through the Agents.

Chapter 3: Rental

Article 7 (Conclusion of Rental Agreement)

1. The Lessee shall specify the rental conditions as outlined in Article 2, Paragraph 1, and the Company shall specify the rental conditions according to the Terms and fee schedule to conclude the Rental Agreement.

2. Upon concluding the Rental Agreement, the Lessee shall pay the rental fee specified in Article 10, Paragraph 1, to the Company.

3. Based on the notification from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the Company shall record the driver’s name, address, type of driver’s license, and license number in the rental ledger and rental certificate specified in Article 14, Paragraph 1, or attach a copy of the driver’s license. Therefore, the Lessee shall present and submit a copy of the driver’s license of the designated driver (hereinafter referred to as “Driver”) when concluding the Rental Agreement. If the Lessee is the Driver, the Lessee’s driver’s license shall be presented and copied; if the Lessee and the Driver are different, the Driver’s license shall be presented and copied.

4. The Company may request additional identification documents from the Lessee and Driver that can verify their identity and may take copies of the submitted documents when concluding the Rental Agreement.

5. The Company shall request the contact information, such as mobile phone numbers, of the Lessee and Driver when concluding the Rental Agreement to ensure communication.

6. The Company may require the Lessee to pay the rental fee in cash, by bank transfer, or by credit card, or specify other payment methods when concluding the Rental Agreement.

Article 8 (Refusal to Conclude Rental Agreement)

1. The Company may refuse to conclude the Rental Agreement if the Lessee or Driver falls under any of the following conditions:

(1) (Does not have a valid driver’s license required to drive the Rental Car or fails to present or submit a copy of the driver’s license to the Company.

(2) Is deemed to be under the influence of alcohol.

(3) Is deemed to be under the influence of narcotics, stimulants, thinner, etc.

(4) Intends to have children under six years of age ride without a child seat.

(5) Is a member of an organized crime group or likely to engage in violent illegal activities habitually or collectively.

(6) Is recognized as a member or affiliate of a designated organized crime group, designated organized crime group-related organization, or other antisocial organization.

(7) Has engaged in violent acts or made unreasonable demands beyond reasonable limits in dealings with the Company or related parties.

(8) Has spread false information, used deception or force to damage the Company’s credibility, or interfered with the Company’s business.

(9) Has violated the Terms and conditions or detailed rules in the past.

2. The Company may refuse to conclude the Rental Agreement if the Lessee or Driver falls under any of the following conditions:

(1) The Driver specified at the time of reservation differs from the Driver at the time of concluding the Rental Agreement.

(2) Fails to comply with the requests specified in paragraphs 4 to 6 of the previous article.

(3) Has a history of delayed payment of rental fees or other debts to the Company in past rentals.

(4) Has engaged in acts specified in Article 17 in past rentals (including rentals from other companies).

(5) Has violated Articles 17 or 18 in past rentals.

(6) Had automobile insurance not applied due to violations of the rental or insurance terms in past rentals.

(7) No rental vehicle is available.

(8) The Company deems it inappropriate to conclude the Rental Agreement for other reasons.

3. In the cases of the preceding two paragraphs, if a reservation has already been confirmed with the Lessee, the reservation shall be considered canceled, and the Lessee shall immediately pay the Cancellation Fee specified in Article 4, paragraph 3, to the Company. The Company shall refund the reservation deposit upon receipt of the Cancellation Fee.

Article 9 (Formation of Rental Agreement)

1. The Rental Agreement shall be formed when the Lessee pays the rental fee to the Company, and the Company hands over the Rental Car to the Lessee. The received reservation deposit shall be applied as part of the rental fee.

2. The handover specified in the preceding paragraph shall take place at the rental location specified in Article 2, paragraph 1, at the rental start date and time indicated.

Article 10 (Rental Fees)

1. The rental fee refers to the total amount of the following fees, and the Company shall indicate the respective amounts or their references in the fee schedule:

(1) Vehicle rental fee

(2) Delivery fee

(3) Other fees prescribed by the Company

2. The basic fee shall be based on the fee implemented and reported to the Director of the Local Transport Bureau at the time of rental. If the rental fee is revised after completing the reservation stipulated in the Terms, the price specified in the fee schedule applied at the time of reservation shall be the rental fee.

Article 11 (Nonconformity Liability)

1. The Company warrants only that the Rental Car has normal performance at the time of handover to the Lessee and does not warrant its suitability for the Lessee’s intended use.

2. If the Rental Car does not meet the following conditions at the time of rental, it shall be considered to lack normal performance, and this shall constitute a nonconformity with the contract:

(1) Failure of the engine, transmission, drive system, steering system, braking system, suspension, or coupling system, making safe operation impossible.

(2) Exterior damage making safe operation impossible.

(3) Non-compliance with safety standards.

3. The Lessee or Driver must report any nonconformity within 12 hours of rental. If the reporting period elapses, the Rental Car shall be deemed to conform to the contract’s content. The Lessee may not request a reduction of the rental fee or cancellation of the Rental Agreement except in cases where the nonconformity was difficult to detect.

Article 12 (Change of Rental Conditions)

The Lessee must obtain the Company’s prior consent to change the Rental Conditions specified in Article 2, paragraph 1, after concluding the Rental Agreement. The Company shall only consent if the changes do not interfere with rental operations.

Article 13 (Inspection and Maintenance Confirmation)

1. The Company shall rent out Rental Cars that have undergone the daily inspection and maintenance specified in Article 47-2 of the Road Transport Vehicle Act and the periodic inspection and maintenance specified in Article 48 of the Road Transport Vehicle Act.

2. The Lessee or Driver shall confirm that the Rental Car has no maintenance defects and that it meets the Rental Conditions based on the inspections and maintenance specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article.

3. The Lessee or Driver shall be responsible for properly installing child seats, and the Company shall not be liable for the installation of child seats.

Article 14 (Handover of Rental Certificate and Carrying Obligation)

1. The Company shall hand over the prescribed rental certificate, which includes the items specified by the Director of the Local Transport Bureau, to the Lessee or Driver when delivering the Rental Car.

2. The Lessee or Driver must carry the rental certificate received in the preceding paragraph during the rental period (hereinafter referred to as “During Use”).

3. If the Lessee or Driver loses the rental certificate, they must immediately notify the Company and follow the Company’s instructions.

4. When returning the Rental Car, the Lessee or Driver must return the rental certificate to the Company simultaneously.

Chapter 4: Use

Article 15 (Management Responsibility)

The Lessee or Driver must use and maintain the Rental Car with the duty of care of a prudent manager during the rental period.

Article 16 (Daily Inspection)

The Lessee or Driver must perform daily inspections and necessary maintenance of the Rental Car before use, as specified in Article 47-2 of the Road Transport Vehicle Act.

Article 17 (Prohibited Acts)

The Lessee or Driver must not engage in the following acts during the rental period:

(1) Use the Rental Car for automobile transport business or similar purposes without the Company’s consent and a permit based on the Road Transport Act.

(2) Use the Rental Car for purposes other than the specified use, or allow anyone other than the

driver specified in the rental certificate and approved by the Company to drive.

(3) Sublet the Rental Car or use it as collateral, infringing the Company’s rights.

(4) Falsify or alter the vehicle registration number plate or vehicle number plate of the Rental Car, modify or remodel the Rental Car, or change its original condition.

(5) Use the Rental Car for various tests, competitions, towing, or pushing other vehicles without the Company’s consent.

(6) Drive on circuits, gymkhanas, off-road, or other competition venues without the Company’s consent.

(7) Drive at speeds significantly exceeding the legal speed limit, drift, drive making screeching sounds, or engage in other dangerous driving.

(8) Drive unnecessarily on surfaces that may scratch or submerge the bottom of the Rental Car, such as sand, rocks, water, rough roads, etc.

(9) Cook, process, or consume food, drinks, or live animals inside the Rental Car, leaving odors.

(10) Use hazardous materials (gas, gasoline, kerosene) or fire appliances (burners, etc.) inside the Rental Car.

(11) Use the Rental Car in violation of laws or public order and morals.

(12) Insure the Rental Car without the Company’s consent.

(13) Take the Rental Car outside Japan.

(14) Violate the Rental Conditions specified in Article 2, paragraph 1.

Article 18 (Measures for Illegal Parking)

1. If the Lessee or Driver commits illegal parking as defined by the Road Traffic Act during the rental period, they must immediately appear at the police station having jurisdiction over the area and pay the fine and other expenses related to the illegal parking, including towing, storage, and retrieval.

2. If the Company receives a notification from the police regarding the illegal parking of the Rental Car, the Company shall contact the Lessee or Driver to move the Rental Car promptly and appear at the police station having jurisdiction over the area by the end of the rental period or at the time specified by the Company to resolve the violation. The Lessee or Driver must comply.

3. If the Rental Car is moved by the police, the Company may retrieve the Rental Car from the police at its discretion, and the Lessee must not interfere.

4. If the illegal parking results in the rental period being exceeded, the Lessee shall pay the additional rental fee for the exceeded period separately.

5. After instructing as specified in paragraph 2, the Company shall confirm the resolution of the violation through the notice of traffic violation or payment receipt. If the Lessee or Driver has not resolved the violation, the Company shall instruct them to resolve it immediately until the violation is resolved. Additionally, the Company may request the Lessee or Driver to sign a prescribed document (hereinafter referred to as “Acknowledgment”) acknowledging the illegal parking and agreeing to comply with legal measures as an offender, and the Lessee or Driver must comply.

6. If necessary, the Company may submit the Acknowledgment and other documents containing

personal information to the police and cooperate to pursue responsibility for the illegal parking by the Lessee or Driver. The Company may also take necessary measures, such as submitting an explanation and the Acknowledgment to the Public Safety Commission as stipulated in Article 51-4, paragraph 6 of the Road Traffic Act and reporting the facts.

7. If the Company receives an order to pay a non-payment penalty based on Article 51-4, paragraph 1 of the Road Traffic Act and pays the non-payment penalty, or if the Company incurs expenses for locating the Lessee or Driver, moving, storing, or retrieving the Rental Car, the Company shall claim the costs incurred and a separately stipulated penalty for parking violations from the Lessee or Driver. The Lessee or Driver shall pay these amounts to the Company by the specified date.

8. If the Lessee or Driver pays the non-payment penalty or is prosecuted, resulting in a refund of the non-payment penalty to the Company, the Company shall return the refunded amount to the Lessee or Driver.

Chapter 5: Return

Article 19 (Return Responsibility)

1. The Lessee or Driver must return the Rental Car and equipment to the designated return location (or the modified return location specified in Article 12, paragraph 1) by the end of the rental period.

2. If the Lessee or Driver violates the preceding paragraph, they shall pay the rental fee for the period from the end of the rental period to the collection of the Rental Car and equipment to the Company. Additionally, if the violation of the preceding paragraph causes damage to the Company, the Lessee shall compensate the Company for all damages incurred.

3. If the Rental Car and equipment cannot be returned within the rental period due to natural disasters or other irresistible forces, the Lessee or Driver must immediately contact the Company and follow its instructions. In this case, the Lessee or Driver shall not be responsible for damages incurred by the Company.

Article 20 (Return Confirmation, etc.)

1. The Lessee or Driver must refuel the consumed fuel before returning the Rental Car and equipment. In this case, the Rental Car must be returned in the same condition as at the time of delivery, except for wear and tear from normal use.

2. The Lessee or Driver must confirm that there are no belongings of the Lessee, Driver, or passengers left in the Rental Car before returning it. The Company shall not be responsible for any belongings left in the Rental Car after its return.

3. The Lessee must settle any unpaid rental fees by the time of returning the Rental Car.

4. If the Lessee or Driver did not refuel the consumed fuel or if there is damage other than normal wear and tear, they shall pay the compensation amount separately claimed by the Company.

Article 21 (Rental Period Extension Fee)

1. If the Lessee or Driver extends the rental period as specified in Article 12, paragraph 1, they

shall pay the extension fee calculated by adding the excess fee for the extended period to the rental fee for the period before the extension, and the difference with the already paid rental fee at the time of returning the Rental Car.

2. If the Lessee or Driver extends the rental period or changes the return location for unavoidable reasons, they must contact the originating office before the return deadline and obtain approval. If the Lessee returns the Rental Car after the rental period without approval, they shall pay a separately stipulated penalty in addition to the extension fee specified in the preceding paragraph.

3. If the Lessee or Driver cannot return the Rental Car by 6 pm, they must contact the originating office within business hours and obtain approval, and pay the separately stipulated after-hours fee.

Article 22 (Settlement)

If there are any unpaid amounts such as extension fees or return location change penalties at the time of returning the Rental Car, the Lessee or Driver must immediately pay these amounts to the Company.

Article 23 (Measures in Case of Non-Return)

1. If the Lessee or Driver does not return the Rental Car and equipment to the designated return location by the end of the rental period and does not respond to the Company’s return request, the Rental Car or equipment shall be considered not returned, and the Company shall take legal measures, both civil and criminal.

2. In the case specified in the preceding paragraph, the Company shall take necessary measures to confirm the whereabouts of the Rental Car and equipment, including interviews with the Lessee’s or Driver’s family, relatives, workplace, and other related parties, and the operation of the vehicle location information system.

3. If the Lessee or Driver fails to return the Rental Car and equipment as specified in paragraph 1, they shall pay the rental fee for the period from the end of the rental period to the collection of the Rental Car and equipment to the Company, and compensate for the damages incurred by the Company, including the costs of searching and collecting the Rental Car and equipment and the costs of searching for the Lessee or Driver as specified in Article 28.

Chapter 6: Measures in Case of Breakdown, Accident, or Theft

Article 24 (Measures upon Detection of Breakdown)

1. If the Lessee or Driver detects an abnormality or breakdown of the Rental Car during the rental period, they must immediately stop driving and contact the Company, and follow the Company’s instructions.

2. If the abnormality or breakdown is caused by the Lessee’s or Driver’s intentional or gross negligence, the Rental Agreement shall be terminated immediately, and the Lessee or Driver shall compensate for the damages incurred by the Company, including the costs of retrieving

and repairing the Rental Car as specified in Article 28.

3. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the Lessee or Driver due to the termination of the Rental Agreement under the preceding paragraph.

Article 25 (Measures in Case of Accident)

1. If an accident involving the Rental Car occurs during the rental period, the Lessee or Driver must immediately stop driving and take legal measures regardless of the size of the accident, and take the following measures:

(1) Immediately report the accident to the Company and follow the Company’s instructions.

(2) If repairing the Rental Car based on the instructions in the previous item, do so at the Company or a repair shop designated by the Company unless otherwise approved by the Company.

(3) Cooperate with the Company’s and the Company’s insurance company’s investigation of the accident and promptly submit the required documents.

(4) Obtain the Company’s prior approval before making any settlements or other agreements with the other party involved in the accident.

2. The Lessee or Driver shall handle and resolve the accident at their own responsibility, in addition to the measures specified in the preceding paragraph.

3. The Company shall advise and cooperate with the Lessee or Driver in resolving the accident.

Article 26 (Measures in Case of Theft)

If the Rental Car is stolen or suffers other damage during the rental period, the Lessee or Driver must take the following measures:

(1) Immediately report the incident to the nearest police station.

(2) Immediately report the damage to the Company and follow the Company’s instructions.

(3) Cooperate with the Company’s and the Company’s insurance company’s investigation of the theft or other damage and promptly submit the required documents.

Article 27 (Termination of Rental Agreement Due to Inability to Use)

1. If the Rental Car becomes unusable due to accidents, breakdowns, theft, or other reasons (hereinafter referred to as “Accidents, etc.”), including failing to meet the standards specified by laws such as the Road Transport Vehicle Act, the Rental Agreement shall be terminated.

2. In the case specified in the preceding paragraph, the Lessee or Driver must immediately return the Rental Car and equipment to the Company as specified in Article 19, except when the Rental Car is seized by the police or the vehicle has not been found due to theft.

3. If there are unpaid amounts, the Lessee must immediately pay them to the Company as specified in Article 22 and compensate for the damages incurred by the Company, including the costs of retrieving and repairing the Rental Car.

4. If the Accidents, etc., were caused by reasons not attributable to the Lessee, Driver, or the Company, the Company shall refund the reservation deposit, deducting the rental fee for the period from the rental to the termination of the Rental Agreement.

5. If the breakdown of the Rental Car was due to a defect existing before renting to the Lessee, the Company shall provide an Alternative Rental Car to the Lessee.

6. If the Lessee does not agree to the provision of the Alternative Rental Car in the preceding paragraph or if the Company is unable to provide an Alternative Rental Car, the Rental Agreement shall be terminated, and the Company shall refund the rental fee and liability waiver fee, deducting the rental fee and liability waiver fee for the period from the rental to the termination of the Rental Agreement.

7. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the Lessee or Driver due to the termination of the Rental Agreement under the preceding paragraph.

Chapter 7: Compensation and Indemnification

Article 28 (Compensation and Business Indemnification)

1. The Lessee or Driver shall compensate for the damages caused to third parties or the Company during the rental period of the Rental Car, except for reasons attributable to the Company.

2. Of the Company’s damages specified in the preceding paragraph, the Lessee or Driver shall pay a separately stipulated Non-Operation Charge (NOC) for the damages incurred by the Company’s inability to use the Rental Car or equipment due to accidents, theft, or other reasons attributable to the Lessee or Driver, regardless of the extent of the damage or the required repair time. The NOC does not prevent the Company from claiming repair costs (up to the market value if repair costs exceed the market value) and other compensation for damages in addition to the NOC.

3. If the Lessee or Driver damages, soils, or otherwise affects the equipment or devices installed in or attached to the Rental Car, they shall compensate for the full cost of repairs in addition to the NOC.

4. If the Lessee or Driver damages or loses tools rented with the Rental Car, they shall bear the full cost of repairs or replacement.

5. If the Lessee or Driver causes an accident due to drunk driving, they shall not be exempted from liability for any reason and shall pay a penalty of 300,000 yen to the Company.

6. If an accident caused by drunk driving results in damages to the Company, the payment of the penalty specified in the preceding paragraph shall not prevent the Company from claiming repair costs (up to the market value if repair costs exceed the market value) and other compensation for damages.

Article 29 (Insurance)

1. If an accident involving the Rental Car occurs during the rental period, the Company’s damage insurance contract for the Rental Car shall pay the insurance amount within the limits specified in the special notes (hereinafter referred to as “Compensation Limits”). If the Lessee or User has their own damage insurance contract, it shall take precedence over the Company’s damage insurance contract for the Rental Car.

Compensation Limits:

(1) Personal insurance: Unlimited per person

(2) Property insurance: Unlimited per accident (10,000 yen deductible)

(3) Passenger insurance (personal injury insurance): 30 million yen per person

(4) Vehicle compensation: Market value per accident (10,000 yen deductible)

2. If the accident is not reported to the police and the Company, or if the Lessee or Driver violates the Terms, the insurance amount specified in the preceding paragraph shall not be paid.

3. The Lessee or Driver shall bear all costs for damages not covered by the insurance contract and damages exceeding the Compensation Limits.

4. If the Company pays damages that should be borne by the Lessee or Driver, the Lessee or Driver shall immediately reimburse the Company for the amount paid.

Chapter 8: Termination

Article 30 (Termination of Rental Agreement)

1. If the Lessee or Driver violates the Terms during the rental period, the Company may terminate the Rental Agreement without any notice and request the return of the Rental Car. In this case, the Lessee or Driver shall immediately return the Rental Car and equipment to the Company as specified in Article 19 and pay any unpaid amounts to the Company immediately.

2. In the case specified in the preceding paragraph, the Company shall not refund any received rental fees, liability waiver fees, etc., to the Lessee.

Article 31 (Mutual Agreement Termination)

1. The Lessee may terminate the Rental Agreement even during the rental period with the Company’s consent by paying a separately stipulated termination fee.

2. In the case of termination specified in the preceding paragraph, the Company shall refund the remaining amount after deducting the rental fee and liability waiver fee for the period from rental to return from the received rental fee and liability waiver fee.

3. The Lessee or Driver shall pay the termination fee and any unpaid amounts immediately to the Company as specified in Article 22.

Chapter 9: Personal Information Protection

Article 32 (Purpose of Use of Personal Information)

1. The Company shall use the personal information of the Lessee or Driver obtained for the following purposes only:

(1) As a licensed business operator under Article 80, paragraph 1 of the Road Transport Act, to fulfill obligations such as creating rental certificates at the time of concluding the Rental Agreement.

(2) To verify and review the Lessee or Driver when concluding the Rental Agreement.

(3) To inform the Lessee or Driver of products, services, events, and campaigns handled by the Company through advertisements, phone calls, emails, etc.

(4) To conduct surveys to improve customer satisfaction with products and services handled by the Company.

(5) To statistically aggregate and analyze personal information and create statistical data that cannot identify or specify individuals.

2. If the Company obtains personal information of the Lessee or Driver for purposes not specified in the previous paragraph, it shall inform them of the purpose in advance.

Article 33 (Consent for Registration and Use of Personal Information)

1. The Lessee or Driver agrees to the Company’s use of personal information for the purposes specified in the previous article.

2. The Lessee or Driver may request disclosure of their personal information, and if the Company finds any inaccuracies or errors in the retained personal information, it shall promptly correct or delete them.

Chapter 10: Miscellaneous Provisions

Article 34 (Offsetting)

If the Company has a monetary obligation to the Lessee or Driver based on the Terms, it may offset it against the Lessee’s or Driver’s monetary obligations to the Company.

Article 35 (Consumption Tax)

The Lessee or Driver shall pay the consumption tax (including local consumption tax) imposed on transactions based on the Terms to the Company.

Article 36 (Late Payment Charges)

If the Lessee, Driver, or Company fails to fulfill monetary obligations based on the Terms, they shall pay late payment charges at an annual rate of 14.6% to the other party.

Article 37 (Detailed Rules)

1. The Company may revise the Terms and detailed rules or separately stipulate detailed rules without prior notice at its discretion.

2. The Company shall specify the effective date of the changes to the Terms, and indicate the changes, new content, and effective date on the Company’s website. The revised Terms shall apply from the specified effective date. If detailed rules are separately stipulated, the Company shall display them at its business locations and on its website. The same applies to any changes.

Article 38 (Agreed Jurisdictional Court)

In the event of a dispute concerning the rights and obligations based on the Terms, the court having jurisdiction over the Company’s head office shall be the exclusive agreed jurisdictional court.

Article 39 (Supplementary Provisions)

The Terms shall be effective from the date of approval.


After-Hours Return Policy:

While returns are generally accepted until 6 PM, after-hours returns will be accepted only if the vehicle is not reserved for the following day or under other conditions approved by the Company. On the scheduled return day, returns are accepted until 8 PM, and thereafter, until 7 AM the next day. Below are two examples. Please refer to the fee schedule for details.

Vehicle Type: Light Truck, Class: SUSHI STYLE Bamboo Case

Example 1) Scheduled return at 5 PM is changed to 8 PM. Additional hourly charge: ¥1,000/hour + standby fee: ¥10,000

Total: ¥13,000 (+ consumption tax)

Example 2) Scheduled return at 5 PM is changed to midnight.

→ Additional charge for 7 hours: ¥7,000/hour + standby fee: ¥10,000

Since the return time exceeds 10 PM, a late-night handling coefficient of 1.25 applies.

→ Total: ¥21,250 (+ consumption tax)

Reservation Cancellation Fee:

・ 7 days before: Free

・ 6 to 3 days before: 30% of the rental fee

・ 2 days to 1 day before: 50% of the rental fee

・ Same day: 100% of the rental fee

Cancellations made after 6 PM will be treated as cancellations on the following day.

This policy also applies when the reservation time is shortened after the reservation is confirmed.

No cancellation fee will be charged if the cancellation occurs more than 7 days before the start of use.

The difference between the cancellation fee and the rental fee will be refunded to the customer’s designated bank account. The customer is responsible for the transfer fee.

Non-Operation Charge (NOC):

In the event of an accident, theft, breakdown, contamination, or other incidents not attributable to the Company’s responsibility, and repairs or cleaning are required, the following amounts will be charged as part of the operational compensation during the period, regardless of the extent of the damage or the time required for repairs.

This charge applies even if you have joined the Vehicle and Property Damage Waiver Compensation Scheme.

Consumption tax (including local consumption tax) does not apply to the NOC.

If the vehicle is returned to the designated office (drivable): ¥150,000

Other cases (within 50 km of the designated office): ¥300,000

If the distance exceeds 50 km, an additional ¥10,000 will be charged for every 10 km beyond that.